Released in September 2021, this report is a collaboration between eviction researcher Benjamin Walker of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the non-profit organization City Life/Vida Urbana. This report investigates patterns of eviction during the Covid-19 pandemic, systematically analyzing who has faced evictions in Boston in this unprecedented and dangerous time.
Download this report to explore findings such as:
Enter your info below to download the full 40 page report.
The Executive Summary has the most important findings. Download the Executive Summary (PDF, 10 pages)
When: Tuesday, September 21st, 2021, 10am
Where: On Zoom. Register for the event at here.
On Tuesday, September 21st, City Life/Vida Urbana will be releasing the groundbreaking report "Housing Justice Is The Cure: Evictions in Boston's Communities of Color during Covid-19".
We'll be joined by Boston renters who have faced eviction during Covid-19. We'll also hear from organizers about what families are doing to resist evictions in Boston's communities of color.
Speakers will be available for interviews upon request after the webinar.
Spanish interpretation will be provided.
Habrá interpretación simultanea al español.